Conundrum. That’s what I have. Maybe you can help.
I wrote a book that is set to be published the first week of August. There’s just one problem. I’m not crazy about the title. It’s a book about an old Sunday School teacher who gets a bit miffed when she realizes the number of her former students who no longer go to church. She decides to track them down. I love the thought of a Sunday School teacher tracking down her students. I mean, think about it.
Anyway, she and her cousin (everyone needs someone who makes trouble more fun) find themselves in places they would not otherwise be but for this “project”. There are some subplots, of course: a town parade she has to chair (she lives in a town with some admittedly quirky traditions), a shady businessman involved in some unscrupulous dealings, and a little family trouble. Oh, and there’s some found money involved.
The main character’s name is Cathy Covington. Her cousin’s name is Andi. I initially titled it Mrs. Covington’s Sunday School Class. I know. Not terribly riveting. Naming things is not one of my fortes. My publisher is thinking we’ll call it Mrs. Covington Calls Roll. If that title isn’t going to change, at least you have something to do on your snow/cold day.
Here’s something you need to know. When you sign a publishing contract, the publisher gets to make the big decisions. You can put in your two cents, but those final choices belong to the company store. However, I’d love to hear from you if you have any brilliant ideas for a title. I mean, really. Any readership that hits a high mark for my 2014 post entitled In Defense of Juan Pablo is admittedly in touch with popular culture.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to think of a title that will make this book jump off the shelves! This blog will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck.
Quotes and youtube clip: Mission Impossible,