Wider and Deeper

Dear Heavenly Father,

We most often think of things we see and events we experience when we give thanks. Well-loved places and people come to mind when we list our gratefulness. But, Father, our thankfulness must be wider and deeper, for beyond all of these are the invisible things from Your hand. Your love, of course. Yet more: Grace, Patience, Forgiveness, Discipline, Comfort, and Mercy.

We thank you for revealing evil to us so that we can see good more clearly. Thank you for pricking our conscience so that we can kneel in repentance. It’s not a punishment. It’s a gift. Thank you for teaching us courage. Thank you for the sense of Your Holiness in moments of quiet. Your patience is beyond our understanding. Your mercy – wider and deeper than we can grasp.

You never fail. You are faithful always. And, our dearest God, this day we are grateful for You in all of Your perfection and beauty. We give this day and all days to You, for You and You alone deserve all praise.

In Jesus’ Name


Image: pexels-jonathan-petersson-1237119.jpg

Within Those Quiet Times

We seek within those quiet times

That still, small voice Who speaks into

Confusion, doubt, and things that bind

Re-aligning noise with truth.

And holds a dream that held us close

Not ours, but His, once we can hear

Mid days of struggle, nights of hope;

And pulls us close in comfort’s sphere.

For minds interpret what eyes see

Less of what goodness impedes;

To lead and guide and help us be

More of what creation needs.

Image: lake-at-sunset-pexels-photo-248800.jpeg; A-gate-to-a-Park-or-Garden-Stevens-Coolidge-Place-Andover-Massachusetts.-BNU-Free-Documentation-License-Wikimedia-Commons.jpg; Original poems by Connie Pease, myfiresidechat.com

The Other Shore

My father died around this time six years ago. This description is one he, himself, shared at a friend’s funeral many years before. It’s a good piece of prose, not just due to its imagery, but because it is true.

‘Gone From My Sight’

“I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side,
spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts
for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says, “There, she is gone.”

Gone where?

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast,
hull and spar as she was when she left my side.

And she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me – not in her.

And just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!”

And that is dying…”

We find ourselves amidst immense struggles just now. Though the death of those we love always pricks, death out of time lends considerable pause to our days. For those who have lost loved ones during these few years of trouble and loss, I read everything you write, look at every photo, and think about the unnatural quiet that has come to your daily routine. And not I, alone, but the world experiences a heavy grief and silent ache. That world, people we know and those we have never met, sends prayers – many prayers – that an unseen enemy’s attack will, itself, receive its just counterassault.

For while goodness might be temporarily silenced, it will not remain so. It will rise in glorious triumph. Until then, those of us left will stand. We will stand firm in the knowledge of God’s mercy and Jesus’ victory. We will stand firm in our part of the battle wherever it may find us. And we will stand firm because we know Who has already won.

Poem: Henry Van Dyke,1852-1934; image: sailboat-pexels-taryn-elliott-6790330.jpg

Thanks In All Times

Dear Heavenly Father,

In a time when we anticipate want in our futures and feel concern in our present, we look to You, because we remember how good You are in both good and hard times: How it was Your hand that parted the Red Sea when the enemy was bearing down on Your people; How it was Your presence that calmed the lions while Daniel was in their den; and how it was Your voice that cast out demons at Gadarenes.

We reflect on our lives – how You have been with us from the very beginning, from Day one. You’ve healed us when we were sick and some of us when we would have died but for You. You’ve rescued us from danger, both known and unawares. You’ve given us work to do and homes to delight in. Your creation calls to us to marvel and calms us when we need it.

When we are alone, You sit with us. We keep company together. And when crowds surround us, You are with us still. You call us by name. You teach us in all the kinds of places and people and times we encounter. Wisdom, understanding, discernment – bit by bit, slowly, but surely we learn.

You are so very, very good, Father. And we come just now to thank You. Thank You for history. Thank You for our past. Thank You for the present times when our faith can grow and we can see how bright the light of Your presence shines in the darkness. And thank You for an unknown future. All we need to know is that You’ll be there.

We lift Your Name above every Name. You are great and loving and merciful and good. Your judgements are righteous. And You, oh our Dear Lord and Father, You are our very breath.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Image: pexels-ekaterina-bolovtsova-5702778.jpg


Sometimes (cont.)

Sometimes light increases so gradually you didn’t notice it grew. It holds things you’re not sure exist and, if they do, it seems beyond your fortune to encounter. You squint, then once more to secure vision that will not come. It is a light far brighter than you realized as you lived your life unconsciously, uncaringly, unknowingly. Truth is a terrible word because it promises revelation of all that is good and bad. For all. You are startled at the probability it will touch you, too. But this is the time, dear friends, right here and now, that we must be brave. We must stand firm. We cannot wait for someone to do for us what we must do for ourselves and for each other. Now is not the time for sleep. It is not the time for distraction or dreaming. It is the time to stand in whatever way you find to do so. And, after having done all, stand.

Sometimes light increases so gradually,

You didn’t notice it grew;

Until you find you must squint to see

In a light more bright than you knew.

Startled, you frown as you look around

Trying to see in the blaze

And wonder just what was once hidden, unknown,

Will be open to everyone’s gaze.

We wander, my friend, to an uncertain end

With unsteady step as we go;

When hope is desire and desire is claimed

By forces unseen and unknown.

But onward we press. We must – with brave hearts –

Because if we don’t, who will?

One thing we know as we travel below:

Duty, honor, country must prevail.

Scripture: Ephesians 6:13; Images: zac-durant-_6HzPU9Hyfg-unsplash.jpg; Pexels-Videos-1433307-butterfly.mp4; pexels-tinthia-clemant-1557208-butterfly-2.jpg; Let-us-run-with-endurance.jpg; http-pixabay.com-en-eagle-america-flag-bird-symbol-219679.jpg; 


Sometimes darkness enfolds so gradually you didn’t notice it grew. It holds things you’re not sure exist and, if they do, you’re sure you don’t want to encounter. You squint, then once more to secure vision that will not come. It is a dark far blacker than you realized as you lived your life unconsciously, uncaringly, unknowingly. Tyranny is a terrible word because it is a horrific reality. For some. You are startled at the possibility it could be for you. But this is the time, dear friends, right here and now, that we must be brave. We must stand firm. We cannot wait for someone to do for us what we must do for ourselves and for each other. Now is not the time for sleep. It is not the time for distraction or dreaming. It is the time to stand in whatever way you find to do so. And, after having done all, stand.

Sometimes darkness enfolds so gradually,

You didn’t notice it grew;

Until you find you must squint to see

In a dark more stark than you knew.

Startled, you frown as you look around

Trying to see in the fog

And wonder just what’s behind the shadow,

Noise, or impressionist bog.







We wander, my friend, to an uncertain end

With unsteady step as we go;

When hope is desire and desire is claimed

By forces unseen and unknown.

But onward we press. We must – with brave hearts –

Because if we don’t, who will?

One thing we know as we travel below:

Duty, honor, country must prevail.

Scripture: Ephesians 6:13; Images: pexels-photo 348392.jpeg;URLhttpmedia.photobucket.comuseralex1988_photosmediacrows.jpg.jpg; log-cabin-pexels-photo-259571.jpeg; [URL=httpmedia.photobucket.comuseralex1988_photosmediacrows.jpg; unsplash-jorgen-hendriksen-uCPQi2dxKAQ-unsplash.jpg; http-pixabay.com-en-eagle-america-flag-bird-symbol-219679.jpg

It Couldn’t Be Done

Somebody said it couldn’t be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t”, but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so until he had tried.

So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done and he did it.


Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it”;
But he took off his coat and took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.


There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing,
That “cannot be done” and you’ll do it.

—Edgar A. Guest

Philippians 4:13 Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Images: paperbackdragon.blogspot.jpg; samantha-sophia-NaWKMlp3tVs-unsplash-scaled.jpg; zac-durant-_6HzPU9Hyfg-unsplash.jpg; wallpapercave.com

We Will Not Stop: A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Dear Father of Creation and our Hearts and our Salvation,

We bless Your Name for all You have done. For forming the world – from enormous unexplored outer space and underwater mysteries, to the intricate stripes of a caterpillar and amazing atoms and cells. For providing food from Your bounty and rest from Your peace. For Your expansive mercy and Your encompassing love to each one whether or not they know it. And all of that creation and mercy and love doesn’t stop. It continues minute by minute and century to century. We love that about You!


We praise You for the knowledge of Your great power in parting the Red Sea and in making a path for us to navigate through the trouble and evil of this current world; in walking in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo and in standing firm with us despite the fires of sickness, threats, and political unrest. We are grateful for our nation’s founders and their discernment that without You any nation would fall, but with You our nation would know freedom not otherwise found. You were with us then and have not stopped. You are with us as long as we acknowledge You and invite You. We do! We are so very grateful for the ability to examine history of every era and see Your hand there. Always there.

We thank You today, this day set apart to give thanks, for freedom from want. Though times have been better, You provide what we need. We give thanks for family and, if we have no family, for friends; and if we are friendless, for a friendly smile. We thank you that though we might not know safety, we know Your protection and deliverance when it is most needed. It never stops. It never goes away. We know the promise of heaven.

There is so much to be grateful for, Dearest Father. And today we give thanks, but we will not stop. No, tomorrow we will give thanks. And all the year through. And all our lives because You – You are the source of all that is good and light and beautiful and hopeful.

In Jesus’ Wonderful Name,


Images: alexander-andrews-fsH1KjbdjE8-unsplash.jpg; krysten-merriman-a_PrJ9Ms8_s-unsplash-1.jpg; Pexels-Videos-1433307-butterfly.mp4; marek-studzinski-3D6yReT06p0-unsplash-1.jpg; pexels-helena-lopes-3114143.jpg; joseph-gonzalez-E-EEQSjDdck-unsplash-1.jpg

Friday Prayer Thoughts: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

“You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.” Well there you go. Sometimes we don’t need to fight a battle. But we still need to show up.

Then again there are battles that scare the wits out of us, but God didn’t put us here to run away. When we face something we’re uncertain of, it’s a good thing to know we don’t face it alone. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

What a ragtag bunch we are, but we’re not backing down. We can see there’s a battle to be waged all around us. The battle is for truth and righteousness, souls, and freedom.

Our nation is infiltrated with communism. Our main news has become propaganda and we don’t even know when that happened. Other reporters are now censored by technology we’ve become dependent on. Our morals slid so far down, we’re now fighting for a baby not to be killed at birth rather than at conception, a battle for life that should never have been lost in the first place. Sexual promiscuity and perversion is rampant and people don’t even recognize it. Innocents are trafficked. Little is regarded as holy. The list – oh dear Lord – the list is endless! Like Hezekiah did, we lay that terrible list before you. We plead for Your intervention!

Use us however you see fit to reveal good in its beauty and to unveil evil in its horror. To not shrink back from truth-telling, but to do so with as much gentleness as we can manage. But it’s awful, isn’t it? And awful isn’t often well-handled with a gentle hand. So give us discernment as we tell the truth which sets us free.

We decree and declare by the purifying blood of Jesus and in His mighty Name that chaos in all forms will dissipate into nothing and order will prevail, that devastation will be set right, and that righteousness will spread across this one nation under God. We ask You to crush evil completely. In ourselves. In family. In church. In government. In academia. In media. In entertainment. In business. We don’t want even a corner or crumb left of what dishonors Your Name.

We call down angels from heaven to work and fight alongside us. We ask for wisdom, discernment, and insight. We thank You that in our weakness, You are our strength.

You fought the battles of Israel alongside their mighty men and their quick-thinking women. Sometimes You threw the enemy into confusion and they didn’t need to fight at all; only be still. We’d prefer that of course. Ha. But we’re here. We want to be useful. Tell us go and we’ll go. Stay and we’ll stay. Speak and we’ll speak. And we’ll talk with You and listen for You the whole time, knowing that this battle truly belongs to You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name and for Your glory, Amen

II Chronicles 20:17; Ephesians 6:12; II Kings 19:14-15; Image: Ethan Jones from Pexels

Friday Prayer Thoughts: Forgiveness

Someone should make a movie called Forgiveness: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. We’ve all encountered it: Having to face the ugliness of hurt, pushing through the pain, and exerting the discipline of forgiving someone who did us wrong – bad, if you will. And when we come to the place of letting go, cutting the cord, handing it all to the Lord, it really can be something very good. Jesus reminds us to forgive others so that we will be forgiven.

We know all about feeling we’ve been wronged. But we need to be truthful about being on the other end of it: of having wronged someone. Somehow it often doesn’t seem as serious to us when we’re on the other side of the story; but our excuses are a security blanket. As we continue in the shaking of our nation, we need to acknowledge a shaking in ourselves, as well. We look within and wade through every single sin, small or great against another. It’s not comfortable and can even be bad and ugly. And we repent, which leads to goodness.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We hate any damage that comes between us and another. We’ve cried, we’ve carried gut sadness and anger, we’ve spent too much time reviewing something that happened or was said or done. We know the hurt. But we also know how much You have forgiven – so much more than we are faced with. Maybe they haven’t or will never ask forgiveness. Maybe they don’t care. Maybe they still intend the hurt. But we don’t want the chain that comes with unforgiveness. We’ll leave that for them to deal with, and choose to walk into the beautiful light of forgiveness. Here and now we truly and completely forgive ________ and we wipe that slate clean. And should that hurt reappear we resolve to wipe it clean again. And again. Until it dissolves. Because Satan is the great accuser, but we don’t want to be like him. We want to be like You.

And we look inside ourselves and we confess every single thing. We list them here. ____________ And we are so sorry for the sadness or hurt or harm we have done. Please forgive us. We ask for healing for the person we have offended. We ask for help and blessing for them. As far as the east is from the west please remove our sins from us. We resolve to be better.

We know that in Your justice is mercy, the mercy for which we are all so very grateful. We pray that in our intention to show mercy, we will not get in bed with the devil. We will not agree with his intentions in order to make ourselves feel open-hearted. We will not pretend wrong is okay as long as we love. We will not dismiss holiness as outdated. We will be defensive of Your honor. We don’t want to hurt You or cause offense to Your Name. And we need Your insight, discernment, and wisdom in this. We ask for Your mind in these matters so that we don’t make light of the sin You died for just to make ourselves feel generous.

Thank You, Lord, for forgiving us. You are the Author and Finisher of our faith. We love You so much. So very much.

In Jesus Name,


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, 1966, story by Sergio Leone and Luciano Vincenzoni. Screenwriters: Sergio Leone, Luciano Vincenzoni, Furio Scarpell, Agenore Incrocci. Movie directed by Sergio Leone; Scripture: Matthew 5; Image: Fair Use.