“You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.” Well there you go. Sometimes we don’t need to fight a battle. But we still need to show up.
Then again there are battles that scare the wits out of us, but God didn’t put us here to run away. When we face something we’re uncertain of, it’s a good thing to know we don’t face it alone. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Dear Heavenly Father,
What a ragtag bunch we are, but we’re not backing down. We can see there’s a battle to be waged all around us. The battle is for truth and righteousness, souls, and freedom.
Our nation is infiltrated with communism. Our main news has become propaganda and we don’t even know when that happened. Other reporters are now censored by technology we’ve become dependent on. Our morals slid so far down, we’re now fighting for a baby not to be killed at birth rather than at conception, a battle for life that should never have been lost in the first place. Sexual promiscuity and perversion is rampant and people don’t even recognize it. Innocents are trafficked. Little is regarded as holy. The list – oh dear Lord – the list is endless! Like Hezekiah did, we lay that terrible list before you. We plead for Your intervention!
Use us however you see fit to reveal good in its beauty and to unveil evil in its horror. To not shrink back from truth-telling, but to do so with as much gentleness as we can manage. But it’s awful, isn’t it? And awful isn’t often well-handled with a gentle hand. So give us discernment as we tell the truth which sets us free.
We decree and declare by the purifying blood of Jesus and in His mighty Name that chaos in all forms will dissipate into nothing and order will prevail, that devastation will be set right, and that righteousness will spread across this one nation under God. We ask You to crush evil completely. In ourselves. In family. In church. In government. In academia. In media. In entertainment. In business. We don’t want even a corner or crumb left of what dishonors Your Name.
We call down angels from heaven to work and fight alongside us. We ask for wisdom, discernment, and insight. We thank You that in our weakness, You are our strength.
You fought the battles of Israel alongside their mighty men and their quick-thinking women. Sometimes You threw the enemy into confusion and they didn’t need to fight at all; only be still. We’d prefer that of course. Ha. But we’re here. We want to be useful. Tell us go and we’ll go. Stay and we’ll stay. Speak and we’ll speak. And we’ll talk with You and listen for You the whole time, knowing that this battle truly belongs to You.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name and for Your glory, Amen

II Chronicles 20:17; Ephesians 6:12; II Kings 19:14-15; Image: Ethan Jones from Pexels