The Goat

In our effort to demonstrate “charity toward all” (stated in Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address), we’ve run off the road, into the ditch, through a culvert, and into a slough, mired down in quicksand. We’ve considered freedom of speech to extend to perversion and the right to mislead our youth into a morass of perversions heretofore unimagined. How? How did love become hate labeled as love?

It seems to me we haven’t taken God seriously nor have we thought it important to stand firm, sword of the Spirit in hand. Rather, we’ve figured God was in His heaven, all was right with the world, and we didn’t need to worry too much about battles in the spiritual or physical. We imagined the idols of the Old Testament as something that distracts us; something like food or money or social media rather than actual statues of Moloch, Baal, and Ishtar (Starbucks, anyone?).

But did you know there’s a Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol Building – or at least there was in 2018? Michigan and Iowa followed suit. Recently the statue called “Witness” using the shape of a goat horns on its head was installed at the University of Houston in Texas. A gold statue honoring abortion! Imagine that. You don’t have to imagine anything when you understand that abortions are a form of child sacrifice. But someone cleaned up the language, sold it as compassion, and we approved the despicable. Baphomet is an idol of a goat – a hermaphrodite goat. (Allow me to point you back to the aforementioned morass of perversions.) It’s used in idolatrous worship. It’s interesting to find the azazel goat, the goat carrying sin out into the desert described in Leviticus 16, embraced. Our culture encourages us to do just that: embrace the sin. Lookee there! We’re already finding an answer to the question posed in my first paragraph.

The first time I heard the term GOAT (greatest of all time) used for a football game , I wondered why they came up with that anacronym. After all, it’s not true. For us to designate a most valuable player, for instance, “greatest of all time” and then to use that term again and yet again erases its meaning. Of all time precludes multiple times. Who decided to slip goat into sports? You think that’s a crazy statement? Pay closer attention. Satan plays the long game. If he doesn’t get you to sell your soul to him like Katy Perry and Bob Dillon or more people than we want to imagine did, he’ll wait for your children or grandchildren. He’ll familiarize you with words and pictures until they seem innocuous.

And Lucifer has his grip on the entertainment industry that has been willingly used as a tool. Who doesn’t love a catchy tune with memorable lyrics? Or a riveting movie? The entertainment industry has been useful – very useful – extremely useful in slowly changing attitudes and perspectives. In the words of Curtis Bowers, we are being entertained to death. And the victims aren’t limited to those simply watching entertainment. Just ask Ryan Garcia.

The azazel goat didn’t go out into the desert this time. It is walking around all over the place. Our schools, libraries, business, entertainment, media, and yes, even some churches are embracing sin in order to show love. But it’s not love. It’s hate with a love label. Telling a child to undergo surgery to purportedly change his or her sex, won’t change their sex. It will just deform them. Telling someone who has been lonely or abused or just plain confused that they can live a contented life as a homosexual isn’t love. Have you read Revelation 22 or I Corinthians 6 lately? Truth can prick both the hearer and the person speaking it, but it’s a lot less harsh than letting them burn. Encouraging people to embrace Jesus is far more loving than leaving them to perish.

Conservatives and, perhaps more to the point, Christians face a choice: whether to reclaim civilization and base its laws on objective, absolute moral good or to kid themselves that they’re making a shrewd compromise while everything they hold dear is suppressed, shattered, and stripped away. Liberty is a fine thing, but it’s not something the ideologies antithetical to the West do or will respect. They will use it to seek and gain ascendancy and then pry it from the cold, dead fingers of the fools they conquer. Unless someone stands up against them.

The GOAT? Those who embrace that path will end up in the desert eventually. Until then, and at personal risk, we each must pick a lane. We must demonstrate real charity, real love, and not the false version that purports to be truer than the real thing.; verse of poetry Pippa Passes by Robert Browning; ; ; ; ; Image: robin-gaillot-drevon-qRnh-zosks4-unsplash.jpg; ;;;

All The Precious Things

There it was: a little cottage at the edge of three acres of meadow backed up near an endless wood. He hadn’t been there in forever. It had existed around the edges of his consciousness, but he was very good at ignoring those kinds of things.

On a February morning he’d decided to throw together a backpack and see what a free weekend would bring. That he found himself there wasn’t altogether a surprise, though at first it took him back a bit. Without his reasoned and logical permission, his feet had wandered where his soul longed to be.

He gained the entrance easily enough though the dead grasses of winter were still high. The door creaked a bit. Dust mixed with melting snow under his feet, and a tiny pinecone skittered across the floor when the bottom of the door bumped it.

He inhaled deeply as he looked around the room. It smelled musty, but felt like home. The fireplace still held a copper pot, now a greenish hue from oxidation, over the grate. Two chairs held conversation on either side, a small table by each. On one of the tables was an open Bible. He blew the dust from it and sneezed. He peered more closely. John 3:16. Of course. Her love of beauty had always mixed with what was basic and practical. But his love hadn’t been anywhere near what hers had been and she’d left; and without her the cottage seemed to lose its light.

He wandered into the bedroom. Nothing had changed. A heavy quilt of autumn’s colors covered the brass bed. He looked in the closet. Oh! So she had been back! A denim jacket hung alone while a small pair of boots rested on the floor underneath. He hurried over to the dresser drawers. Their emptiness pricked him.

His stomach growled and he went to the kitchen. Pots, pans, plates – all there. He pulled some jerky out of his backpack, sat at the table, and allowed his memory to meander over time. He thought back, finally allowing himself to acknowledge what he missed and his own selfish part in losing the best part of his life.

They’d met in high school, dreamed their dreams, married and planned. She’d done her utmost to make their life together full and beautiful. She had a way of making the ordinary delightful. No one could coax laughter from him like she could. He missed the stories she told from the day’s ordeals and discoveries. He missed the scent of her hair, her touch, her barely perceptible intake of breath when she was startled, the soft sound of her voice. He missed their promises to each other. One, a crazy one actually, was that if for some inexplicable reason they were parted, they would move heaven and earth to find each other on Valentine’s Day. At the time he hadn’t given much thought to any of it.

He hadn’t noticed when, but pretty soon she’d stopped; stopped the stories, the beauty, the laughter. And one day when he’d returned from some seemingly important adventure, she wasn’t there. He’d waited. Days. Weeks. He’d straightened things he habitually left strewn around. He’d chopped more wood and done some tasks she’d given up asking him to do. He’d even prayed a little, certain it wouldn’t make a difference. After another month, he left, too. He went to the city and learned the gratification of money and importance.

Sitting alone in the forgotten cottage holding memories he’d pushed away, at last he admitted to himself the pointlessness of it all. And, for the first time in years, tears flowed. He held his head in his hands and bawled like a baby. For the first time, he acknowledged all the precious things. And they were more unseen than seen. Described with words, but untouchable. Loved and treasured, but not stored. Suddenly his weeping stopped. A sound. Familiar. Missed.

Her barely perceptible intake of breath.

Image: anne-nygard-7JIa7tTux54-unsplash.jpg; pexels-northwoods-murphy-1878810-1.jpg

Sticks and Stones . . .

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is a children’s rhyme from the first half of the 1800’s. I remember chanting it as a kid. Maybe you do, too. But now we find ourselves in a time when the meaning of words is changing and, I believe, changing in order to confuse and, well, hurt. How in the world could a word hurt you? Just picture a stop sign that changes its word to go.

Actions stem from beliefs which stem from conclusions. Let’s consider for a minute the way people reach a logical conclusion about something. (If one of you says you just go with what everyone else thinks, I’m going to need an aspirin.) First, a word is needed, and words fit together to form a sentence which is strung together with other sentences in a paragraph. Grammar is what we call the study of meanings of words and how to use them in a way that is commonly understood.

On the way to reaching our conclusion, we consider words in light of other facts and truth that we know. We use logic to do so. (Some people say there is both objective and subjective logic, which is like saying my truth and your truth. It muddles fact and truth with opinion or perspective. Please don’t do that.) In our analysis, we look for context. For instance, sometimes a word means one thing and when used another way or in light of other sentences it means something else.

Once we’ve reached our logical conclusion, we might tell someone else about it. Or write about it. Or even preach about it. The fancy word for this is rhetoric. When people disagree with someone, they might even be dismissive of them by saying something like It’s just rhetoric, with the intention of insinuating that their words are just speech without substance.

So now that we have listed the three things necessary for reasoning (grammar, logic, and rhetoric), we should be able to reach a fairly logical conclusion. Those of you who prefer technology to pen and paper, think of a computer program. I’m not familiar with that sort of thing, but it has a language of its own, doesn’t it? You can recognize whether a pattern fits or not. Likewise, we make an effort to see whether something is logical by noticing a pattern and whether something is out of order in the rhetoric. Ah! There’s a bug there! It deserves a closer look to see if something is wrong! (Another “bug” would be if, in our analysis, we consider words in light of errant facts we believe to be true but are not. Or – horrors! – if we’ve been misled to believe something to be true when it isn’t, and depend on that as a fact to use as a compass. I imagine at this point, everyone is pointing their collective finger at everyone else. But that’s another essay.)

Now to my point. Although words sometimes change meanings throughout history, of late words have been co-opted in order to dress up one thought to make it look like another. The words gay and equity are an example. While gay used to mean happy or light-hearted, most people think of homosexual now. Can we really marry one meaning to another in this instance?  Equity means how much you have invested in an asset – the amount you’ve already paid for a home, for instance, subtracted from its total cost. Or it can mean giving people equal treatment. Recently, it appears that its meaning is beginning to transform into the Marxist idea of equal outcomes regardless of input. I hope that’s not the case for everyone, but it’s something I’ve noticed. And when it is used that way, it really isn’t equitable at all, but is actually inequitable. Maybe you find yourself thinking along with Inigo Montoya, You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

When we communicate, we hope to be (to use a phrase) “on the same page” as far as the meaning of our words. But sometimes now we are not. If the meaning of words is changed, it removes our ability to understand what is actually being said. It reduces our ability to use logic and analysis. In fact, for those who don’t give much thought to the importance of words, they might easily fall into whatever rhetoric a fast-talking, persuasive fellow gives them. The rhetoric might be full of emotion, but lack any reasonable logic, leading to faulty conclusions. Put another way, they will believe something that in the end will hurt them or lead them to do something they will regret.  Taking it a step further – without a word to describe a thought, what happens to the thought? Ah yes. Critical thinking, where have you gone?

I’ll add one more thing. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of tongue. I didn’t always consider the enormous possibilities of that statement (both positive and negative), but I do now.

Image: Public-Domain.-Giuseppe_Maria_Crespi_-_Bookshelves_-_WGA05755.jpg; The three tools of reason are sometimes referred to as the Trivium, which is part of a classical education; there are many words being changed to mislead, such as the word vaccine; Quote from The Princess Bride, 1987 William Goldman book and movie adaptation, Directed by Rob Reiner; Proverbs 18:21

Scavenger Hunt Snack Mix

You know how sometimes you want something to crunch – just a handful of something  (and a handful of walnuts doesn’t quite do the trick)? It somehow seems that when you blend a few things, it’s all of a sudden a touch better! A person can use anything and sometimes the ingredients are not quite as healthy as others, and we don’t even (nor need to) regret it.  I put together this healthy snack mix recently from things I found in my cupboard. At least it’s better than marshmallows or M&Ms (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Don’t measure. Just put in a handful. Okay! If not measuring gives you hives, my best guess is to use 1/2 cup of each, give or take. 🙂 Here are the ingredients I used, but you might take on the challenge and toss in some things from your own cupboard! Happy healthy snacking!

Scavenger Hunt Snack Mix


Pepitas (a type of pumpkin seed), roasted and salted.  You could use either a pumpkin seed or pepita, I suppose, but the pepita will blend in a little more easily. I bought mine at the grocery store in the aisle with all different types of nuts and dried fruit. I had them in the cupboard because I bought them for my dog who was having intestinal issues, and pumpkin can sometimes help with that. He loves pumpkin. I thought they would be interchangeable with pumpkin seeds, but he didn’t care for these.

Dried Cranberries

Dried Figs, chopped into bite-sized bits

Banana Chips

Dried Ginger Chunks, chopped into bite-sized bits   I bought a bag at Costco. It’s sugared, and do you know what? That doesn’t take away its zing. But I read somewhere that ginger is an ingredient that helps clear your arteries. I don’t know whether that’s true or not. But I testify that if you chop these up and throw them in a snack mix, it tames them down a bit.

Chocolate Chips

Swassy Roast Beef Sandwiches


I made an attempt to marry sweet with sassy in one word: swassy! Whether I accomplished it remains to be determined, but these sandwiches benefit from a touch of hot and sweet and it’s a great combination if I do say so, myself! I am not including specific amounts here because that’s not the way I cook, and I think this won’t be too challenging. It’s a sandwich, after all. Enjoy!


Cut King’s Hawaiian rolls horizontally and lay the tops aside.

Put the bottoms in an 8 x 11.5 cake pan.

Spread with thin smear of horseradish sauce, then fig spread on top of that.

Top with cut slices of white cheese and sliced roast beef.

Drizzle a little pineapple juice on top of beef.

Now put on the tops of the rolls and brush with melted butter, then sprinkle lightly with poppy seeds.

Cover with foil and bake at 350 until the cheese melts.


He was two people ahead of me in line at the Dollar Store. Some people avoid places like that. I don’t. I just don’t have any extra left over for incidentals like peanuts, and I’m not rich enough to frequent this place because I have such good character that I’m frugal. My arms were full, the result of running in for one thing and ending up with five.

It was hard to miss him. He was taller than most people I’ve seen, and the thought flitted through my brain that a Nephilim might be that size. A small one. He had to be easily over eight feet tall, maybe nine. Probably. Maybe more. I’m not good at visual assessments. He turned and looked at me briefly. Maybe he felt my eyes on his back. If they’d been on his head, I would’ve gotten a crick in my neck. Wimp that I am, I automatically looked down. I shouldn’t have, because when I looked up again he was gone. Well that was a quick check-out. I didn’t even see what he’d bought!

I saw him again as I was unlocking my car. He slid into a Toyota. Don’t ask me how he fit. I lost track of him as I exited the parking lot and thought nothing more of it. As I drifted off to sleep that night, though, I saw his face, big as all get out, right in front of me. Just great. Why does your mind do things like that when you’re all cozy and sleepy and ready for dreamland? By the time my heart had slowed to its usual rhythm and I’d counted more sheep than a border collie, I’d lost half the night.

I was a little jittery the next day – maybe from the coffee I drank to replace my poor sleep or maybe from fear. Yep. I’m admitting it. I couldn’t shake the sight of him though I hadn’t seen him since the Dollar Store parking lot.

I started calling him Nephee to dissolve whatever mysteriousness I was feeling about the whole thing. If he popped into my thoughts, I fell into the habit of thinking, Oh there you are, Nephee. Where’ve you been? You missed that big snowstorm we had the other day!. Like that. It helped.

I’m not saying I was avoiding the Dollar Store, but I hadn’t been back for awhile. I finally worked up the courage to return. I know this sounds ridiculous. But you didn’t see him nor did his face pop up in front of you when all you wanted was to sleep. It was becoming a thing, and it needed to be nipped in the bud! I coached myself as I scanned the parking lot for Toyotas. Just go in and get some Blue Dawn and check out. Easy peasy.

Well you know how it is in those places. Before I knew it, I’d picked up a gift bag,  light bulbs, and an eight-pack of pens. That’s when I saw him. His tall self was two aisles over and heading to the check-out. Why was the Blue Dawn in absentia today of all days, now of all times!!! I finally found it and got in line. Of course. My place was right behind Nephee. I could feel him start to turn before he actually did, but decided I would NOT back down no matter how tall he was. I had as much right to be here as he did. In fact, more. I’d lived in this town forever. Interloper!

“Hey there!”, I said when he turned. We were fast friends. His lip curled and he grunted. I craned my neck to see what he was buying. Nothing! He grabbed a candy bar at checkout. I don’t know why I felt so angry, but I did. His presence was messing up whatever peace I thought I had in my life to begin with which, let’s be honest, wasn’t as pervasive as one might hope.

“I hear the weather’s nice in Miami this time of year. Maybe you should visit.” I mumbled.

I haven’t seen him since.

Image: baptist-standaert-mx0DEnfYxic-unsplash; beverage-black-and-white-black-coffee-2360894.jpg; Genesis 6:4; Numbers 13:33;;;

Resigned to Fate

“No miracles”, the doctor’s words
resounded in his mind;
And so he sat, resigned to fate,

a furrow on his brow;
He thought of all the hardship, first;

and then of blessed time;
And if, he wondered, good was then,

why could it not be now?

So through the night he tussled with
an inconvenient thought;
If blessing came despite it all,

then from where did it stem?
Or Who, perchance, worked happiness

where darkness should have been?
And if the good was giv’n, not chance,

did it matter when?

Should good days be at certain times?
And hard ones destined, too?
Or did they intertwine to make

a puzzle or a song?
He’d not believed it, not one day,

God was for the weak;
Yet in this hour, he wondered if,

yes, if he’d been quite wrong.

And as the sun peeked from the dark and
brightened up the sky;
A prayer – yes! – from his hardened heart

rang through quiet space;
And His Creator, smiled to watch him

stand and utter “why?”
Giv’n was he the answer sure:

My mercy, love, and grace.

Dear Reader, there are times when hope seems lost or when we might be tempted to relegate miracles to another time and other people. It is not so! The God who created the universe and who reached down even to earth as a baby in a manger, is more than able to work in His beautiful creation however He desires and, truly, at the request of His child – you.

Image: ricardo-iv-tamayo-zIx5wzjHRnE-unsplash.jpg ;hans-moerman-rEOVfkfleok-unsplash.jpg

Bird Seed

The old woman had done it for years. Some people shook their heads if they happened on her small house on the edge of town. Why spend money on bird food when it was obvious it could be spent more wisely? She clearly didn’t have the resources to paint her house’s weathered boards, yet she spent what little she had on flowers in the springtime and birdseed (birdseed!) in the winter. Foolish woman!

She rightly guessed what they thought. They wrongly guessed her character.

The porch curtain fluttered closed as she stepped back from watching the latest townsperson walk by and sat down in her wicker rocker to think.

She’d lived over sixty years in this very house. It was a lovely shade of green then – green with a hint of gray, like the soft leaf of lamb’s ear that grew near the back step. It had shutters, too; shutters of a deeper green like the algae that grew in the pond every spring a mile down the road. In those days the little house burst with sweet scents of cookies and the savory aroma of slow-cooked barbeque or her favorite, peppery catfish. Laughter was common and prayer was as natural as breathing.

But life brings both good and hard, and financial hardship followed the loss of health, and death followed that. And she was suddenly alone and older than she had realized. Somewhere along the way she had to set priorities. Hers were not everyone’s, but she didn’t want others’ priorities. She wanted hers.

Even in the old days flowers had delighted her and birds seemed to be little messengers of joy. And in the days in which new silence seemed echoing and eating seemed a bother, they had kept her from wanting to die, herself. They had been loyal to her, so now she was loyal to them. That was the why. It was the why of her choices the townspeople didn’t know.

She admitted to herself, though, that she wished for the color of the old days. She wished for the lovely shades of green. Yet even if she could afford the paint, she wouldn’t have been able to manage the task. But she still had prayer. She would have prayer as long as she breathed, so that was a good thing. God made things beautiful in their time and sometimes out of their time, too, she mused. But asking for a painted house? It was a small thing in comparison to the big things needed in this world, and it seemed an unnecessary, trivial prayer. God knew her needs and He always met them. No – she would make beauty where beauty could be found.

She walked outside and gathered some branches to put in a floor vase in her living room, then hung on them ornaments and paper star garland. Picking up her Bible from the end table, she read the Christmas story as she did every Christmas Eve. Tomorrow she would treat herself to cranberry juice with her potato soup! She cracked a smile.

A glance out the window into the darkening night told her a storm was howling through.

Christmas morning dawned bright and crisp. Sunlight sparkled through crystalline coatings on the tree branches. Wondering how the birds had fared through the storm, she pulled on a warm coat, hat, and gloves and took her small bucket of birdseed outside. She threw a handful to her right and to her left, then turned to make her way back inside.

And that’s when she saw it: Her house wore a lovely shade of green with a hint of gray. And shutters! Yes, shutters the color of spring algae! (How long had it been? At least since the storm of ’09 had blown them off.) Little chirps roused her from her gaze. And something else, too. The savory aroma of peppery catfish. 

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? ; Image: pexels-patrick-19363951-scaled.jpg; pexels-photo-531499.jpeg; pexels-kevin-quarshie-14715265.jpg petrin-express-Sn653QVfNoQ-unsplash.jpg ;rolf-schmidbauer-qvV24TOon4Q-unsplash.jpg


She knew it was a Jubilee year: a 50 year marker in which debts are forgiven, land is restored, and captives are freed isn’t easily missed. At least not for her. Her parents had named her Jubilee, after all. When she was young, she told her friends to call her Jules. Not many knew her given name. But with her 50th birthday only a few days away, the Jubilee called to her.

Oh sure. Some people, maybe even most, believed the Jubilee was dismissed with the scattering of her people. It might’ve been because of her name, but she disagreed. A Jubilee was a Jubilee! And she could use one just now.

Her nation felt anything but celebratory. She, herself, had been yanked from her home only a couple of months ago. The person with her had been killed within two days, so she was alone. She was kept in a cage in the attic of a teacher sympathetic to the cause of her nation’s attacker and given a little rice to eat on some days, nothing on others. One day she’d been forced to eat toilet paper. She’d seen things she wished she could forget, but they haunted her dreams. She needed a rescuer. She prayed for a rescuer! So many prayers.

Her people had been promised one would come, hadn’t they? The prophets had said so! Along with everyone else, she waited for Messiah to come. It was surely not the one who had come 2,000 years ago! Absolutely not! An imposter, more like. Even considering the possibility made her feel disloyal to her heritage.

But something pinged her conscience; yes, even in her present desperate state. What if she was wrong? What if His followers were right?

Then one night she had seen someone in a dream. If she had to admit it, she would. It was the One some called the Messiah, Jesus! She immediately knew she had been wrong about Him. He spoke to her about how delightful her name was. His voice had a tenderness in it she had never experienced. He was very kind, but with an edge. The edge told her that rescue was on the way.

She listened hard all the next day. And the next. Maybe she had only imagined things? She shrank down and sat in a corner. But then! Then the attic door burst open and some masked men yanked her out of the cage and hurried her to their vehicle. As dust filled her mouth and nose and the cold made her shiver, she wondered what fate awaited her.

But that dream had been so real! It gave her hope. And if hope is in the form of being pushed out of a vehicle onto her homeland, then she would embrace it with all her heart. And more; she would forever embrace the One who gave it to her!

She ate birthday cake that night with her family and told everyone to let go of her childhood name, Jules, for she wanted always to be called Jubilee! And another thing. They would celebrate Christmas. Oh yes they would. There would be no argument! For Christmas, she told them, is a time of miracles and she knew the Man of miracles; for she had met Him – kinder than her best friend, stronger than a storm, and He had given her one.

*Some believe beginning September, 2023 is the 70th and final jubilee year in the Biblical timeline. This author is one of them; Image: mads-schmidt-rasmussen-v0PWN7Z38ag-unsplash.jpg; juan-encalada-RSyYMb5Km_k-unsplash-scaled.jpg

Church Clothes

He peered down at the pile of clothes. Several pairs of jeans, two – very worn. Ten short-sleeved t-shirts and four long-sleeved. Three pairs of tennis shoes, one pair of work boots, and one pair of cowboy boots. Twelve pairs of socks, the white no longer white and the black, a faded shade. Two baseball caps, one trapper hat, one warm knit beanie, and a hard hat. No dress shoes nor dress pants nor dress shirt. No tie.

He scratched under his jaw, then rummaged through the pile for his best jeans and least worn shirt. Dressed, he surveyed himself in the mirror and briefly closed his eyes before heading out.

How long had it been? Ten years? No – longer. Fifteen? Short of twenty anyway. But he’d made a promise to himself and determined to keep it.

God, he thought – was it a thought or a prayer? Why would the Almighty hear him, of all people? Whatever people thought of him, they didn’t know the half of it. He pressed on. God, I’m embarrassed. Is there some way you can make my clothes look better? More dignified? Or maybe make me invisible? (what was he saying!) Or make people blind to my presence? He didn’t think he’d ever seen a miracle or even believed they existed, but it would take one to answer his prayer. Please?

Church bells rang and he found himself in the sanctuary. Miracles? He looked around and thought maybe he could believe in them. A feeling of fire shot through him head to toe. No, this wasn’t a miracle, but an answer to prayer. For tonight, Christmas Eve, was a candlelight service. No one saw what he wore. Everyone saw only the dancing lights of the candle each held.

Only then did he see the best miracle: a Savior who allowed His own dignity to be replaced with swaddling cloths in a crude manger surrounded by animals and visiting shepherds. And something else invisible to all but some working men: angels.

Images: mike-ralph-0yIzvpbRFw8-unsplash.jpg; al-elmes-ZiCz-oW1LXA-unsplash.jpg