The Company of the Impossible

People are of two minds during this season of what now. One segment is able to pretty much ignore much of the weirdness invading the every day; things such as institutions most of us have trusted in the past claiming opposing things. (This, fellow traveler, is called talking out of both sides of your mouth.)*  The happy folks belonging to this group don’t anticipate any significant collapse of our banking system and, while they’ve noticed the cost of groceries has increased, figure things will eventually change back to normal.

The other segment has begun to recognize unsettling patterns. They do what they can to keep their attitude positive, but see that an abnormal number of fires destroying food plants, unfortunately-located rail explosions, inexplicable fires, and things like – oh -let’s say bridge collapses are not only increasing, but also curiously explained away without proper investigations. Of course it was an accident. The idea that anything like fifth generation warfare is taking place on American soil is out of the question. Just ask Reuters. Or Google. Or the AP. Or (your favorite propaganda news station here). This group of folks wants to say something about it and might even do so, but are often shut down with a label (you know the one).

But there is a third small population of people who believe the source of chaos rests not only in the physical and certainly political, but in the spiritual. They believe the things we witness daily now are part of the battle between good and evil. They also believe not only in miracles, but that they, themselves, might be able to do something to bring them about during this time when miracles are desperately needed. This narrow slice of society is comprised of the bravely bizarre. One of them, for instance, talked a mortician into allowing him to pray over his deceased family member for over an hour – thinking his prayers and commands could bring him to life. They didn’t. But, I confidently add, they could have. If you doubt that, you are forgetting some of your New Testament.

One of them prayed and commanded healing over probably a hundred or more people until one day one was healed. And then another. And another.

One of them had taken a wrong turn down a dark, narrow street and was suddenly hemmed in by the car in front of her stopping. The car had young men in both the front and back seats. Its abrupt halt was clearly intended. There was nothing and no one else around. There was no way to pass it. Remaining stopped behind them spelled certain trouble. But upon praying, her car was now in front of the nefarious group of thugs where she could hasten to a more populated street. Would you like to know more about that? Because it was me in that car with my four young children. I knew there was no way to get around them, but I maneuvered around their car to what I thought would be a sidewalk, and we were suddenly in front of it. No bump of a curb, not even a visual pass. The point is that I did my little impossible part and God did the rest with a different kind of transport-ation.

(It is at this point in the post where I think – don’t lead people down the wrong path. There are all sorts of people offering magic and new age and craziness to those who are ready to grasp at anything. To clarify: the Holy Bible isn’t that. Don’t just be based. Be Bible-based.)

If you are part of this small company you might be afraid you’ll be embarrassed to try something and fail, you won’t fit in and people will talk about you should you reveal your true beliefs and maybe even experiences. You know what I say? Let them talk! It’s the devil that wants you silenced.

We, after all, are made in God’s image: the God who created the world with a word. We say we believe what we read in the Bible. We read about the sun standing still, about the lame, blind, deaf, and mute being healed, about transport, about speaking in a language you don’t actually know, about raising someone from the dead. We read about people doing these things. We say we believe it. But we relegate these events to a certain time and certain people. Not us. Not now. Why? Did God withdraw His power?

In this dreadful time in history, we are watching a thousands year old satanic cult have its way in the world and in our dear nation. Every week we discover someone else has aligned themselves with it. They aren’t playing games. They are in it to win it. It’s time to stop watching. It’s time to start understanding that we – you and I – can slay dragons. We can call out healing. We can take on Goliath. The difference between David and the whole Israeli army was that he was offended for the sake of God and disgusted that everyone was backing down.

Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, who you have defied.

If you choose to be part of this group – people who actually believe the Bible and who count themselves as disciples – you are in good company. You are in perfect company. For two thousand years ago there was a plan to save the entire world – not just through space, but also through time. Of course they wanted Him dead. But in their arrogance they missed the power of God Almighty and His Son, Jesus. Don’t make that mistake.

Let’s meet at the cross, wait two days, and then GO.

*History offers plenty of examples so what’s different this time? Good point. Maybe we should ask the thousands who died from a recent bioweapon and multitudes more who died or were injured from the injection purported to help.; Image: pexels-joagbriel-1753922-scaled.jpg; I Samuel 17:45; cross-sunset-humility-devotion-161089.jpeg;

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