“No miracles”, the doctor’s words resounded in his mind; And so he sat, resigned to fate, a furrow on his brow; He thought of all the hardship, first; and then of blessed time; And if, he wondered, good was then, why could it not be now?
So through the night he tussled with an inconvenient thought; If blessing came despite it all, then from where did it stem? Or Who, perchance, worked happiness where darkness should have been? And if the good was giv’n, not chance, did it matter when?
Should good days be at certain times? And hard ones destined, too? Or did they intertwine to make a puzzle or a song? He’d not believed it, not one day, God was for the weak; Yet in this hour, he wondered if, yes, if he’d been quite wrong.
And as the sun peeked from the dark and brightened up the sky; A prayer – yes! – from his hardened heart rang through quiet space; And His Creator, smiled to watch him stand and utter “why?” Giv’n was he the answer sure: My mercy, love, and grace.
Dear Reader, there are times when hope seems lost or when we might be tempted to relegate miracles to another time and other people. It is not so! The God who created the universe and who reached down even to earth as a baby in a manger, is more than able to work in His beautiful creation however He desires and, truly, at the request of His child – you.