A Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for life from first to final breath, from parents’ delight to loved ones’ sorrow. And in all the days between: in the warm and easy days of goodness and contentment, in the harsh and frigid days of crushed spirit and lost hope, in the exhuberant days of learning new things, in the stumbling days of confusion and disappointment; in all of our days we give You thanks for life, itself.

We thank You for sustenance. For food, whether plentiful or insufficient; for enjoyable or pitiable shelter, in all degrees of health and comfort we are grateful. For it is by Your hand every help is given.

We thank You for good things, knowing that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights. You, Father, are the One who loves His children – His creation – with a love that is beyond mere words of expression. That love desires not just good, but best. It wants more than we ask for ourselves and guides us to trust.

So on this Thanksgiving Day whether we are with loved ones or alone, we ask more than anything the pleasure of Your company, and we thank You for the many things You give whether we see and understand them or whether we are unaware of them. And until the day when all the world raises its voice in praise to You, we will praise You and thank You wherever we are and in whatever state we find ourselves. We. Love. You!

In the blessed and generous Name of Jesus,



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