A Graduation Benediction

I had the privilege of offering the benediction at Crossroads College 96th Baccalaureate – Commencement. Here it is – for them and for all of us. May God act on our lives according to His will.


Our dear Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,

How fortunate we are to be here today, for these students to have gained an education that includes Your wisdom and direction, to have formed relationships with people of like faith, to have taken time out of their lives to learn from the knowledge of professors who belong to You.

These graduates are Your intricate creation. We see a small part of who they are; they, themselves, see a bit more; but You, oh Lord, You see so very much more. You know what they are capable of: of great work for your kingdom, of courageous stance for your diploma-152024_640 pixabay (public domain CCO)truth, of noble words and deeds on your behalf. Please mold them into mighty men and women to carry out all kinds of work in this world: To be the encouraging smile, to help carry the heavy load, to inspire the weary to greater heights, to do the necessary task without concern for credit. We pray that You will show them how to open the gifts that You have given them whether in talent or opportunity and to understand the responsibility they have to You in using those gifts.

We pray that You will give them humility in success and sustain their faith in times of struggle.

Now as we set our eyes on a future that holds we know not what, we ask for Your strong hand on these graduates. We ask for Your boldness, for the infusion of Your Holy Spirit, for Your help, Your provision, Your direction, and Your peace – not as the world gives, but as You give.

We want, above all else, to please You best and to run to You first. Fix our eyes, dear Jesus, on You, the author and finisher of our faith.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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